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Posts related to ‘market trends’

September 15, 2023
David Stills
SVP, carrier and risk practice
Hard insurance market or just a new norm?

Insurance is an effective financial tool allowing entities to transfer risk to a third party, providing protection from profit and loss (P&L) volatility and enabling growth by allowing other risks to be absorbed, while insurable risks are hedged. Oft…

September 15, 2023 by David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
October 19, 2022
James Norman
International business development director
Understanding conduct risk: a prerequisite for growth

As we navigate reoccurring global events and uncertain times, insurance continues to play a critical role in risk transfer — providing assurance and allowing organizations to continue business as usual. Covers like business interruption (BI), c…

October 19, 2022 by James Norman, International business development director
August 02, 2021
David Stills
senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
A look ahead: 6 ways to ensure success of our risk management program

In part one of this blog, we focused on market reflection — discussing trends and lessons learned. Next, we’ll explore six ways to ensure success of our risk management programs moving forward. Make purposeful insurance buying decisions Ma…

August 02, 2021 by David Stills, senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
July 22, 2021
David Stills
senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
A look back: Adapting from and responding to evolving risks

Having now entered the second half of 2021, let’s reflect on what we learned — not only from the last six months, but previous years as well. As risk managers, reflection is a key component to ensuring the success of our risk management and cla…

July 22, 2021 by David Stills, senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
End of results.